You may be aware that a Pediatric Dentist by the name of Eduardo Correa moved his practice into Old Towne Orange just about a year ago (he actually opened during Street Fair last year). You may have even seen his signs just down the street from The Filling Station as you’re heading to Chapman U and perhaps you’ve thought to yourself….’hmmm, good to know’, right? Of course, when it comes to our kids, we mothers can be pretty skeptical, especially as it relates to the dentist and the traumatic potential that lies within…it’s very important to get them to a kind, children-focused practice so that they have a really good experience when they’re young (I say this all because ‘dentists and me’…not a good mix).
I happened to be in the market for a new kids dentist and I’ll tell you exactly why…the first one I took my son to was ridiculously, and I mean RIDICULOUSLY expensive. I about had a heart attack at paying in the vicinity of $300 for my son’s first appointment. While they were very nice and did a great job, the price tag was not worth it! So, now that it was my daughter’s turn for her first appointment (ok, she’s 3, so maybe I waited a little too long) and my son’s 2nd, I wanted to go somewhere new and figured that I should try someone right here in my own backyard. I went ahead and booked my appointment with Dr. Correa after learning that he had a great 1st time patient special of $79, which included a comprehensive dental exam, digital x-rays, cleaning and fluoride treatment. I was in! PLUS, I wanted to write him up for y’all.
Off the kids and I went. The office is located in a cute little spot with blue awnings right on Glassell (245 North to be exact) across from The Dragonfly Shops and Gardens. We walked in and were ushered back to the waiting area…which was pretty AWESOME (this would be my kids reaction). It’s got 2 big screens with PlayStation’s or Wii’s (not sure), my son was ALL over that. Lots of toys and books and things to keep the kids occupied. There’s also a nice coffee machine for the moms and dads, one of those cool single serving ones…love!
So, just beyond the waiting area are 2 stations for the kids. Essentially the parents are right there in the action if they want to be. Each station has a tv on the ceiling so the kids can watch a movie when the chair leans back.
X-rays are first for the kids which is pretty easy and painless, so long as they can keep still which is probably the biggest challenge for the littler ones.
My daughter (Grace) went first for the cleaning because it was her first time and I didn’t want her to get discouraged by watching her older brother (Garrett)…she is a bit tentative about anything new and can get quite grumpy at times! We did have an interesting time just getting her to lay all the way back in the chair, she was not having it, but after a few minutes of talking and convincing, she laid back…though she did try to sit back up about 25 times, control freak that she is (I know she’s only 3, but my daughter was born with drama). Anyway, all in all, it went very smoothly, the
hygienists are sweet and they work very quickly on the cleaning, polishing and flossing (probably about 10 minutes total).
Then Dr. Correa comes out with the x-rays and shows the kids their teeth coming in, counts them and has the kids count with him, brushes on the fluoride and they’re outta there…with gifts and goodies galore. Unfortunately for Grace, she’ll be needing the Orthodontist next door when she gets older.
Eduardo Correa, D.D.S. Pediatric Dentistry is located at 245 N Glassell Street, Suite B in Old Towne Orange, California. 714-538-5582
Call to make an appointment and get the first time patient special for $79. Learn more by visiting their website HERE.
Yay, thanks for this excellent article! I plan on taking my 3 year old and my own self there (I’m kind of a baby)! We checked it out a couple weeks ago and thought it looked really nice and kid friendly. I’m stoked it’s so close.
Taking treatment of children’s teeth is probably one of the most crucial components of their total wellness. Primary, or “baby” teeth not only help children speak clearly and chew naturally, they also aid in forming a path that permanent teeth can follow when they are ready to come in. A good pediatric dentist will have the skill and demeanor to gain the child’s trust. The mothers and fathers or caretakers of the kid ought to also trust that the dentist has a genuine need to offer that child with the very best feasible dental care.