Sponsored Posts on Blog
Want to feature your business on the blog? This is how it works…you submit copy to us and a photo for your featured post and it goes into that featured position on our home page. Your business must be in or near to Old Towne Orange OR benefit Old Towne Orange in some way. We’ll also plug it on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok for you. The cost is $250. If you are interested in getting into the line-up, then contact me.
Become a Monthly Sponsor
I Heart OTO sends out a weekly E-mail each Thursday (subscribe right at the top of this page). The purpose of the email is to let people know what events are happening locally for the upcoming weekend/week. If you would like to sponsor the email with name recognition at the bottom, as well as having your ad on our website and Facebook sponsor pages, we do have available positions (150 x 150 pixels) for $150/month. Please contact me to become a sponsor. We give them lots of Facebook love too and you’re right here on the blog as well.
The newsletter goes out to over 7,000 subscribers weekly (and continues to grow).
If you have a local business and would like to do a giveaway with I Heart, then please give us a shout. We do giveaways at no charge to you, just the giveaway. Our audience appreciates it and we both benefit!
If you have an event coming up that you want to be listed on our site, shoot us an email at [email protected]. Send us event details, links, and a photo to use and we will hook you up!
Our Rates
I think this is a wonderful way for local community and businesses to connect and share there unique products and knowledge!