As adults, we often aren’t engaged in the kind of intense academic discussion, as we were when we were in school. It’s easy to get caught up in work, family, and responsibilities, and much harder to find the time to sit down to read interesting academic books or learn about groundbreaking scientific works.
Chapman University, our academics down the street, wants to break that trend with Science on Tap.
To spark new conversations with the community, Chapman has created a series of casual moderated discussions featuring experts to help you (yes you, Old Towne) explore the intersection of science of culture. Science on Tap will be a fun, interactive experience for both science lovers and novices. This series will be held at one of our favorite local eats, Provisions Market; if you’re not familiar with Provisions, they are known for their outstanding beer selection, great food, and casual atmosphere. If you’re one of the first 10 attendees (ages 21 or up), ChapmanU will cover your first beer!
The first discussion will be on September 14th at 6pm. It will be moderated by Lia Halloran, MFA, assistant professor of art at Chapman University, and will focus on the Intersection of Art and Science. The second event, Big Data: Fact or Fiction, will be hosted by Erik Linstead, Ph.D., assistant professor of software engineering at Chapman University, and will take place on October 13th at 6pm. The third discussion will be November 11th at 6pm. This discussion is titled Nanoscience: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, and will be moderated by Andrew Lyon, Ph.D., professor of chemistry and dean at Chapman University.
This is such an awesome opportunity for the Old Towne Orange community to come together and start up some great conversations, so be sure to mark your calendars for this series!
Chapman University’s Science On Tap will take place at Provisions Marketplace, 143 N. Glassell Street, Orange, on September 14th at 6pm. See you there!